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2018 Resilience Summit

  • Boulder Jewish Community Center (JCC) 6007 Oreg Avenue Boulder, CO, 80303 United States (map)

The ACL has been invited to sit on a panel for this year’s Resilience Summit!

The 2018 Resilience Summit is a day of learning and knowledge building around resilience sponsored by Boulder County, Foothills United Way, and other community partners. The theme this year is: "Decoding Resilience" and the focus is on how to access systems, decode jargon, cross language boundaries, solve communication difficulties, and bridge cultural divides. 

We all experience a variety of barriers when trying to get things we need, but for some, the very process of trying to meet needs puts resources out of reach. If systems are inaccessible to those with non-dominant language, geography, physical or cognitive abilities then it is that much more difficult to ensure community safety and resilience on a day-to-day basis, let alone, after a natural disaster. Recognizing these barriers is the first step towards removing them. So, we have created the materials for the day to help learn and discuss different ways for accessing resources, talking about resources, and creating mechanisms for delivering resources.  

Join our ACL panelist and other panelists from 10am to 11am at: 

Workshop: Diverse Models for Accessing Resources

  • Participants will learn from local practitioners about successful methods for connecting people to safety net resources; hear how methods differ between cultures and geographies across Boulder County; and understand how and why these methods have been successful.

  • Our expert speakers include Corie Smiga from Sister Carmen, Veronica Orona of the OUR Center, Caitlin Looney from the Association for Community Living, and Kristi Venditti, EFAA's Mountain Resource Liaison.

Later Event: October 4
Parent Network Group